Friday, August 21, 2009

Double Cluster

9 x 4min Subs
QHY8 w/IDAS LPS Filter
Orion 80ED mounted on CG-5GT
Auto-guided with AT66ED and Meade DSI
Preprocessed in Nebulosity
Processed in CS4

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Great Hercules Cluster - M13

In this image is the Great Hercules globular cluster along with some galaxy friends to the left of the cluster, IC4617 (in between M13 and NGC6207) and NGC6207.

12 x 4min subs
QHY8 w/IDAS LPS Filter
Orion 80ED mounted on CG-5GT
Auto-guided with ST80 and Meade DSI
Preprocessed in Nebulosity
Processed in CS4

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Andromeda Galaxy - M31

10 x 5min Subs
QHY8 w/IDAS LPS Filter
Orion 80ED mounted on CG-5GT
Auto-guided with AT66ED and Meade DSI
Preprocessed in Nebulosity
Processed in CS4